Hey guys. Hope you had a beautiful weekend like i did.
Um, i said in my previous announcement that id be updating a chapter every week, but i am now fully reconsidering that.
I think it will be best to update once in a month and update as many chapters as i have written, at least 5. Here is the benefit, i know how weary it is when an author updates just one chapter once in a while and how readers esteem enthusiasm for reading the novel altogether because of that, thats one. And two, it will give me more time to deal with the conflicting climax of this story so that it is perfectly executed without any errors and plot holes or rewriting of previous chapters.
Guys, for the love that you have for this book, please bear with me. And i hope you see my reasons for taking this decision.
I will continue to forever be grateful for your support and fanning❤❤❤❤❤ much love