What's up Wattpad, I'm the AlmightyDusknoir, and welcome to the greatest thing to ever happen to this site EVER!!! (not really) As a big movie buff, I love a good story. Specifically, I love to write good stories. So when a friend showed me this site, there was no way I wasn't joining. Here on my page, you'll find many of my original pieces, such as the Diamond Trilogy, stories about post-apocalypse superheroes, Captain Theta, a story about an amnesiac superhero, and Mind Over Matter, a story about a kid who dreams about superheroes. (in case you haven't guessed, I love superheroes) I also have a few spin-off pieces, such Kingdom Keepers: The LM Chronicles, Frozen 2: Warzone, and plenty of other plans in the making. So, if any of this sounds intriguing to you, give me a view, follow, share, and all that good stuff. Thanks!