


(: hola guapa , me podrias hacer un gran favor , que agradeceria muchisimo , podrias votar mi novela y comentes , espero que te guste , si lo haces te hare cualquier favor!! ☺♥
          Hey Beuty , Can you do to me a favor , i will aprecciate it , can you vote my novel , and will coment? , if you do that i can do a favor to u!! ☺♥   
           (: Hallo schön, könnten Sie mir einen großen Gefallen tun, die es zu schätzen wissen, können Sie meinem Roman und Ströme stimmen konnte, hoffe es gefällt euch, wenn Sie tun, Sie werden jeden Gefallen tun !! ♡
             Aksjisjsis *Rebit* ^^
          My Novel was romantic but was in spanish... if you don't understand spanish... can you vote the novel?? Eibdishd


@Peculiarities That's so me with chores! LOL Free laundry service (done by my wonderful mom), free food, not doing house chores, and a comfy bed are definitely the highlights of not being in a dorm haha
          Crazy Asian school system... Don't you know that people like to plan for things? Haha. Idk, I guess Americans are better planners. That or we like to know so we can better procrastinate. Especially in the Southern States. Northerners (like me) hustle and bustle about, but the south and west have sunshine, warmer skies, and relax much better (At least I think that. I may just be stereotyping here, so don't quote me on that).
          You're welcome! It's no problem at all! I can't see your IQ per se, but I can tell you're smart because you're not having a difficult time in one of the hardest languages ever haha It's almost convincing enough that it seems like you've moved here from Asia and have been living here long enough to understand the syntaxes of American English (stereotype right there, my friend. Not much difference between Englishes across the world. Only difference is the accents).


That's nice! Dorms are not really enough for all students so we'll have to see if we're lucky in order to get a dorm room. I really like living with my family, though, so if the college isn't too far away I don't want to move. (A lazy bug here who hates packing and cleaning.)
          Oooooo bad girl! (I do that all the time.)
          Yeah, we only have our public exams in April, and then we know the results in July, and we have time to change our program choices, and the official results are announced in August. It's really late, because school starts in September, I think, and you have orientation camp and everything... I don't know how the system works. Don't ask me. (Must be because Asians are good at procrastinating LOL Just kidding.)
          Thanks so much for praying for me! It's heartwarming. I was so worried I dreamed about the whole thing yesterday night >< (But can you really see my IQ level from Secrets? LOL)


@Peculiarities Yup, I'll be in the dorms. It's the best way to make friends and makes it easier to fit in. Plus, I get to be independent. Yay to that!
          It's okay. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to read. I used to get into trouble in elementary school all the time for reading lol I was a badass kid back then because I still continued to read after the teacher told me to stop.
          That's odd that you don't know already. We find out here pretty quickly so we know our choices of colleges and have time to pick. I submitted my application in the fall and found out before May. I guess things work differently in Asia. I'll be thinking positive thoughts and pray for you to get in (especially on Friday). From what I see on your work here, you are a smart cookie and I don't doubt that you'll make it!


Well, hope so. You never know, I guess. Wow, that's nice! You get to see how it's like in the college you're going to be studying in. Plus it's pretty close in distance. Are you going to live in the dorms?
          Yeah! I'm kinda slowing down in terms of reading speed these days because of all the distraction thanks to YouTube videos, Wattpad, Goodreads, blah blah blah... And I definitely need to finish Secrets. (I'm on my way there. On my way.) I'm dreading it. But I totally get you, because this other day I was reading a really good book called White Cat by Holly Black. (SO MANY PLOT TWISTS I DID NOT SEE COMING.) And then when I was close to finishing it it was already 2 in the morning... what... luckily I don't have work. Poor you!
          I'm swell, as they say. Worried about whether colleges will accept me. (Results are announced on Friday. So.)


@Peculiarities No need to sweat it, it'll all work out in the end the way it's supposed to! Yes it is! Actually, I'm working at the college I'll be (officially) going to in a few weeks and will continue working there through the school year. Yay to no job hunting for a while! That's too bad that your job didn't work out... But it sounds like you're having a nice summer anyway. You're having the summer of my dreams at least! lol I'd love to be staying at home and reading a lot, but I have to settle for reading a little before bed. I always manage to get to a good part right when it's like 3 in the morning and am beyond exhausted and have to work in the morning haha Anyway, how are you?


OMG me too! I'm stressed out for having to apply for colleges, interviews and stuff. But I'm big for escapism, so... hahaha I hope your work is going smoothly! It certainly didn't for me. Luckily it was part time.
          Good! Read some books, write some, stay at home a lot...