
Hey fellas! I know I haven't made any posts or updates in months ~~ vet school consumes me. 
          	Just thought I would pop in to share that I am doing some cheap sketch commissions if anyone is looking for some character art. C:
          	See this image, and you can dm me if you're interested.
          	Keep it crispy! <3


Your books are really good, honestly if I saw them somewhere else other than Wattpad, I'd presume it was a bestseller! Hope to see you're name on books when I walk into a library! Keep writing...they're awesome


@MeraalArshad Ahh, that means so much to me!  Thank you !!


Hey fellas! I know I haven't made any posts or updates in months ~~ vet school consumes me. 
          Just thought I would pop in to share that I am doing some cheap sketch commissions if anyone is looking for some character art. C:
          See this image, and you can dm me if you're interested.

          Keep it crispy! <3


Hello, everyone! Apologies for being so absent around here... University is all-consuming. But! The Easter break has begun and I kicked it off with a mass sketch of all the main characters of Riven Isles.... which looks pretty cool imho!
          Here's the catch... not all of the characters in this drawing have been seen before... while all have been mentioned briefly. These are all characters that will make big marks in the rewritten Riven Isles trilogy. ;)
          Check it out here!


I'm late to say it (because I went to announce it on the day and forgot to tick the 'announce this' lol), but I'm proud to present that my precious Riven Isles has been placed on Wattpad's own Editors' Choice reading list. This has been an astounding turn of events, resulting in so many more eyes than I'd imagined I'd ever have looking at my work. 
          Honestly, so grateful to have notifications that aren't announcements for the first time in like.. a whole year.
          Fun facts, Riven Isles has been uploaded for more than two years. It took a year to hit 500 reads. It was more successful over 2020, and thanks to this reading list add, it's actually climbing pretty steadily for once in its shelf life. I'm so proud of her ;u; <3
          Big thank you to everyone who has had a look lately, or added it to a reading list! It means so much!


@baschoesler Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoy it! :D


@AloofFloof Hey! I just found it today on the Editor's Choice reading list! Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to give it a ready 


@SpaceLaserWolf thank you! lmao, love the fish people


Over time I'm going to put together a dedicated Riven Isles artbook/mixed media bonus content compendium. Now's a great time to check out the story if you want to stroke your chin about some art or eyeball some future animations/animatics and vibe with the characters. Jus' sayin c;
          The first six chapters have audiobook readings if you just want to chill and listen to a story... Can I entice you to listen to my sultry voice and entrancing tale?


Haha, I'm supposed to be on mid-semester break, but what's a break??  Can't wait to jump into a high-valued biochemistry test the day I get back, physiology test the next day, and animal welfare assignment due the next. 
          kind of just want to slam my face into a pie tbh
          but on the upside, I get an hour with rescue dogs before the biochem test and then 3 hours with horses on Friday, which is why I love what I do despite overload


@AloofFloof I think those were just strait up whipped cream


@Huntokar i will pet all the noses... and I want a lemon merangue or a key-line pie. Whatever creamy pie they throw in faces in cartoons is the pie I need rn


As quite an introvert, I don't terribly mind self-isolating and quarantining. I mean, at home with my family and my dog, it was a BREEZE (we lived together, isolated on a boat for three years beforehand so we're kind of trained for it?)
          But... in the Halls of Residence? I feel like a spy over here calculating which times specifically people won't be active so that I can sneak out of my little room for a leak and not make them uncomfortable.
          I'm uncomfortable about making people uncomfortable so I'm just dehydrating to avoid visits to the restroom I share between 25 residents. T-T (because I'm the one with symptoms and I'm still awaiting test results)


Hey all!
          The forums are sadly heading out for a while. They were definitely a safe place for me and helped me build a really strong connection to some special members of the Wattpad community and to the Wattpad community itself, even if I do remain a little quiet and slightly removed. It was great to have a place to chat, share art, ask questions, learn new things, and participate in critiquing, reading, and sharing stories. 
          With that all out now, if anyone is looking to contact me for any reason or just stay in touch at all, my inbox is open. I am busy with vet school but will occasionally post small things on my Instagram stories and Twitter.
          Here are some places you can find me :)

          Discord: AloofFloof#8236
          Catch y'all around!