
Okay... Let's try this again.... 
          	 Hey everyone who is following Melody's Crush... Melody's Heart (Book Two) is going to be offered for FREE all day NEXT Friday( March 18th) on Amazon for download for those who want to read the second part!  HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!  Loves and hugs!!!! :-)


@AloraDillon hey, is there still a way to read the second book? where can i get it?


Thanks for replying 


@AloraDillon does melody and Kyle live together??? 


Hey awesome book I'm so in love with it  I actually couldn't put it down lol I was sneakily reading the last few chapters in class  But like I said amazing book I was just wondering where I can get the other books in this series please  


Okay... Let's try this again.... 
           Hey everyone who is following Melody's Crush... Melody's Heart (Book Two) is going to be offered for FREE all day NEXT Friday( March 18th) on Amazon for download for those who want to read the second part!  HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!  Loves and hugs!!!! :-)


@AloraDillon hey, is there still a way to read the second book? where can i get it?


Thanks for replying 


@AloraDillon does melody and Kyle live together??? 


@TeeRrr Howdy! Welcome to wattpad! There are soooooooo many amazing stories on here, it will blow your mind! :-)  There are even artists on here who post their work. Lolo_holmes being one of them.... and she's my daughter ;-) 
          I do have another book titled Melody's Heart written in Kyle's point of view. It will be promoted on amazon as a free download in about 3 weeks. Amazon doesn't allow us to post our stories on wattpad while in their self publishing program. So, I will post on here the days it will be available for free! Deal? :-) Thank you so much for the lovely message and I hope... wait... I KNOW you are gonna love it here on wattpad. I look forward to seeing something of yours! Huuuuuuuuuuuugs!