Reading Lists
A thought for more or less 1 minute of your time? In my opinion, I think one of the best ways to tell a fictional character that you know future stuff that you shouldn't know without giving them the despair of which ''they are known to the world as mere entertainment'' is to say that the character's life was written in a history book. And all the character's adventures has been written in it. Bonus: If it's a magical-fantasy world and Y/N came from the 'Modern Era, aka these years of time' say "The magic in a human of my time has been extinguished and has instead been a vestigial part of life as we had come to rely heavily on auto-machines" or something of that sort. If you'd like to make Y/N more paranoid and clever or make a real history of it, refer to Samhain, Who had banned it, and why 'Who' hated magic. oR, tell the truth (as in; "You're from a fantasy novel/manga/manhua/fanfiction/etc") but say that it was rumored/told that it was once a real history book though the nobles/influential people of 'our time' is denying of its validity or maybe not searching hard enough for those magics. (^Though this one doesn't work with phone/video game-plays simply because of its illogicality... I'll think of something. It works with story mode, though. I hope.) Of course, if you want Y/N to tell, *tell* then sure, but I think it's best if the mentions of the character being fictional and not real in Y/N's world just be mentioned a few times--better, never. If you hate to think of your own existensial crises, don't tell others your view of their exsistences at all. Done-zo.
A thought for more or less 1 minute of your time? In my opinion, I think one of the best ways to tell a fictional character that you know future stuff that you shouldn't know without giving them the despair of which ''they are known to the world as mere entertainment'' is to say that the character's life was written in a history book. And all the character's adventures has been written in it. Bonus: If it's a magical-fantasy world and Y/N came from the 'Modern Era, aka these years of time' say "The magic in a human of my time has been extinguished and has instead been a vestigial part of life as we had come to rely heavily on auto-machines" or something of that sort. If you'd like to make Y/N more paranoid and clever or make a real history of it, refer to Samhain, Who had banned it, and why 'Who' hated magic. oR, tell the truth (as in; "You're from a fantasy novel/manga/manhua/fanfiction/etc") but say that it was rumored/told that it was once a real history book though the nobles/influential people of 'our time' is denying of its validity or maybe not searching hard enough for those magics. (^Though this one doesn't work with phone/video game-plays simply because of its illogicality... I'll think of something. It works with story mode, though. I hope.) Of course, if you want Y/N to tell, *tell* then sure, but I think it's best if the mentions of the character being fictional and not real in Y/N's world just be mentioned a few times--better, never. If you hate to think of your own existensial crises, don't tell others your view of their exsistences at all. Done-zo.
Are there any AO3 Veterans out there? I need assistance. See, I'd like to save good Fics I've read. But I don't know how to do that. And I do know of bookmarks, but I'd reeaalllyy like a category bookmark. As in, 'Reading Lists' in wattpad kind of bookmark. I need HELP.
In the laptop, if you scroll down to the bottom of my 'About' section, you'll see my Reading Lists; namely Intriguing, BNHA (strong), Reserved (shruggie), Danganronpa (salute), Black Clover (stare). I'm sure you can find yours. If not, go to your Library. There're three sections; Library, Archived, and Reading Lists. Click that and feel free look around. I guess another analogy you can use is, Reading Lists are...bookmark recommendations? Well, at least intended to be. The Author of a story/work you're putting can see you've put their work on a reading list, so it's gonna be awkward if you put their book in a Reading List that says 'To-read' or 'Not yet read'.
@haru_161 No, like Reading List as in the Reading Lists in Wattpad. The Library in Wattpad, in my opinion, is the Bookmarks in AO3. Have you ever made a Reading List here before? I can show you how to make one. Reading Lists here are like things you've Bookmarked in Collections.
I apologise in advance if I sound...apathetic? It's just numbing. Was just watching GI on YouTube, found out *the Queen Elizabeth* has died. No more Immortal Queen Elizabeth memes, and her portrayed sassiness in memes and skits. :( She was a great person, best boomer ever, in my (probably uncultured and thus unnecessary) opinion. And she lived very very long! Up to 96!! So cool!
The Star Tear Disease. A fan-made disease inspired by the Hanahaki Disease, in which the patient cries coloured tears or something similar to stars. There's also a kind of unnamed noise when it falls, so you could describe the sound as anything. (Usually, it is described as jingles or crystalline-glassy-tinkles). It's non-lethal and really beautiful, by the few fan arts I saw. But it's also kind of glowy? So it may affect the part of the eye that can perceive colours, eventually making you go colourblind. and it's artificially incurable unlike the surgery for the Hanahaki Removal. So you only need *natural* requited love to stop the star tears. Imagine the plots! The person who has the disease and researched it training themselves not to cry because they love seeing colours more than seeing their pretty tears. Or the person who has many past lovers, they keep on loving and loving to find someone who can truly love them back and stop the star tears. Or if they are 'ugly' to the world's terms, and after many struggles, they'd finally find someone and finally be able to cry freely. Or a person who's just addicted to and/or find comfort in it, they'd either be stopped from the addiction by their concerned friends or in a chance, their lovers. (Then the withdrawal in not having their comfort vacant anymore, like cigs and landweed... Ahh!) An interesting concept!! SO THOUGHTS????
****I found something that piqued my interest! Bakadere: Stupid or clumsy to the point where it overshines their other attributes. Bodere: Shy and with difficulty expressing emotion to the point of violence. Byoukidere: Gentle and kind, but with an underlying weakness or sickness. Dandere: Often quiet, either out of being shy or simply the quiet type. More social when alone with the person they love. Darudere: Lazy, does next to nothing and shows no emotion to anyone, including the one they love. Deredere: Happy and hyperactive and always cheerful both inside and out. Hajidere: Embarrassed about their feelings of love, sometimes to the point of fainting from embarrassment. Himedere: Wants to be treated like royalty by their loved one. Hinedere: Cynical and often cold-hearted or arrogant, but will soften up if their loved one breaks through. Kamidere: Has a god complex and is always willing to speak their mind of anything with no social filter. Kanedere: Gold digger, only attracted to those with money. Kuudere: Appears cold and emotionless on the outside, but will warm up when alone with the one they love. Mayadere: Starts out as the antagonist or "bad guy" but switches sides after falling in love with the person on the other side. Nyandere: Literally someone with cat-like traits. Oujidere: Male equivalent of Himedere. Wants to be treated like a prince. Sadodere: Takes pleasure in manipulating people's emotions, especially the person they love. Shundere: Sad and/or depressed. Only their love interest can get a smile out of them with a lot of hard work. Tsundere: Harsh and somewhat abusive, mostly because they don't know how to handle their own feelings of love. Undere: Blindly agrees to anything their loved one says. Utsudere: Sad and depressed with a good reason behind it. Essentially a Shundere with an established reason for their depression. Yandere: Starts out nice and sweet, but quickly becomes obsessive and dark, sometimes with violent or murderous tendencies.
Just wanted to say thank you for translating all the Galactic in The Endless War by The_Smiling_Paradox
@HyperActive2768 No problem, I was one of the firsts in that book. That book you're reading is actually a book of their series. I've only been reading all the way to book 3, I might come back to it next time. Read fast, or you'll be late for the drama and talking with Shiro while she updates! P.S. I was confused on who The_Smiling_Paradox was for a while- then realized you were talking about Sh1r0. You're a good person :) (a wee bit too good, but I'm not complaining!)
Have ya'll ever have a mind that wanted something cute, cool, adorable, etc. to happen? Like; (i.e. Danganronpa V3) "Hello! My name's Kaede Akamat- *chu*!" (((*Sneeze*)) or like; (i.e. Danganronpa 2) Izuru Kamukura is said to be 'Ultimate Everything', right? With his talents... Does that mean he can dress himself as a girl? If so, what would he- wait.. No, SHE look like?
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