
Hey guys, FluffyBoiAsriel here. Just a notice that I’m thinking of changing my username to better correlate with Divine Wolves Alpha and Omega. I want to make other content besides UT stuff, and I feel my current username implies too limited a scope. Again, just a heads up. Of course, I’ll still work on my UT fanfics, so don’t worry!


@AlphaAndOmegaWolves That pfp looks rather intimidating


@AlphaAndOmegaWolves It's been a moment since I messaged, but I did previously mention that Develyn and Frisk starting a family of their own since they are married. I explained the whole process of the Hybrid's having offspring in the Christmas Proposal chapter of the story.
          I was thinking about something astronomically rare for the new members of the Dreemurr family (Dev did keep his last name, while Frisk changed hers to match Dev's, I understand they each have choices, but let's keep it traditional, and yes, members, I'm thinking twins). Once Develyn and Frisk return from their honeymoon in AK, they drop the bombshell that Frisk is pregnant.
          Hybrids tend to have a special connection to their offspring they pick up rather quickly if they can carry the Hybrid bloodline. Fjaltneir felt that connection with Dev while the latter was in Vanessa's womb. Dev and Kris (eventually) will feel those same feelings. I going with twins that are both Hybrids (no documented case, they're usually single) and one of them had the Hybrid trait modified slightly to where they're a Monster dominant Hybrid (next to impossible, and he's a goat, solidifying Dev's relation to Kris so that they no longer question it). They do get along when it happens.
          I would anticipate a late December (after Christmas) - early January due date if you do approve of this, but some filler stuff would be nice to fill the void (such as a sleepover between Asriel and Noelle, or that ChatGPT chapter I proposed as ideas a while back).


Oh, some things to note with the Frisk and Develyn wedding chapter. Develyn invites pretty much his whole family and his closest friends (with their significant others) there.
          Here are some of the notable permanent changes to the Dreemurrs:
          -Thunder is seen more often, and not super clingy to Aria
          -More dinner nights will involve Dev cooking
          -Dev will have fun gaming sessions, especially with No Man's Sky and Terraria (he can invite the Dreemurrs to play both games, much to Toriel's concern)
          -Dev and Frisk will likely have their own room
          -Dev will reserve the TV for a certain time on Sundays to watch the Packers play.


I know I haven't messaged in a while. I kinda got a Writer's Block on Wattpad while I was at school and I kinda forgot about this site (taking two English courses back-to-back ought to do that), not to mention, work leaves me too tired to even do anything.
          With that being said, I have a few ideas that I want to run by you for the Dreemurr Family story:
          Asriel x Noelle sleepover
          Kirin racing arc (if you approve of this one, I can create a separate document to outline it)
          Chat Bot (I think this will be funny, imo. Imagine a several of the main characters getting frustrated with it.)
          Family Reunion Arc (Asgore's younger brother reaches out to him and organizes a family reunion, I have to provide character info cause a several more of my OCs are being used)
          Frisk and Develyn's Wedding (This may be an arc, but the moment Frisk is waiting for finally materializes)
          What do you think of these ideas?


@AlphaAndOmegaWolves Hey, so I made some changes to the Racing Arc regarding the entry list. Hopefully that doesn't mess anything up if you're writing it already.


@AlphaAndOmegaWolves I just realized I forgot to tag you... Whoops.


Do you mind doing a Super Bowl special set-up similar to the Holiday Get-Together chapter? Might've as well bring everyone. Dev's family, Undyne, Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton, and the SOUL children.
          The Super Bowl itself isn't until the 13th, so I don't mind an upload after the game. The two teams are the Cincinnati Bengals and the Los Angeles Rams.


Wanna know something strange? Papyrus actually said more puns than Sans, he just doesn't notice them.


And also the trombone thing when Papyrus has a bad moment. His trombone didn't last long in the Hybridtale Universe, as an 11 year old Develyn broke it when Sans scared the living daylights out of him (Dev warned him as well).


Yeah, I know. Papyrus might just be annoyed with Sans’ inopportune pun timing. He believes that timing is everything when it comes to japes. Also, Sans might be more well known for his pranks (fake telescope, whoopee cushions, the joy buzzed when you first meet him).