this message may be offensive
Hey girl!
I know I am nowhere to comment the way you write the story as its your right and freedom to do.
But I wanna say The thoughts you're putting in your book is very much disrespectful towards girls! You're making a RAPIST, ARROGANTLY BASTARD MALE as a lead.
You're making the girl whipped. Yes some people enjoy it , that's in BDSM! And I know enough that even in BDSM they have Pure consent and boundaries. Anything far from it is A rape.
The lead whipped her, disrespected her and treated worse than an animal and not to forget CHEATED her, and all she does is cry and forgive!
You know Death would be better than living this life
There are girls who are dying and suffering everyday from this type of behaviors. And you're making it seen like a normal relationship.
Please I know its your way to reflect your thoughts but when its publicly where young minds are attracted it should be in our conscience to show right things.
Tbh back when I was 13 or 14 I read some of these stories and felt like its OKAY to be jn such relationships but in Reality its not! Its good that I UNDERSTOOD FROM OTHER books how real man are ! But maybe other girls won't and in future they will be in abusive relationship too.
So please, check your content! No offense! But please the content is too disturbing!