
Hey guys, I'll be making an announcement in my next chapter, no it won't be a part of the story it's a notification


Hey guys heh...ok lemme fo ahead and say im SUPER DUPER sorry for tge long wait heh i've been bussy with other things at tge time. If you don't believe me check me out on Intstagram my nane is AlphaWolf521. Anyways for all of you who were patient and waiting for me thank you. I'm now in the  process of working on tge next update. Once again im sorry and i'll be a little better on time this time around.


Hey sorry bit i won't be updating for awhile...i need a minute i'm so sorry for the inconvenience i just REALLY worked myself too hard...i'll let everyone know when the next update is...
          Im so sorry heh...
          This is AlphaWolf521 signing out...
          See ya next time 


Thank you all for viewing this story i really appreciate your support into reading this story honestly. That's why i will be working around the clock to ensure the next update will come out soon.
          This is AlphaWolf521 signing out once again. 
          See you next time


Hey guys almost there to getting another chapter just a three more and i'll post another as soon as possible Thank you all who have been reading. You guys if you only read the first three chapters that alone made a big influence in my confidence thank-you all from the deepest part of my heart. If i don't reach a hundred today that's fine there's always the future to look forward to.
          This is AlphaWolf521 signing out 
          See ya later ;)


Hey guys leting everyone know that the new update, chapter 7, for "Destiny Summit" is out. 
          Also on tge O/C slot there are 4 slots remaining. There's still time and like j said message me or leave in the comment your O/C in the comments, or reply to this and in the next chapter u'll get the your O/C added in