
That last post is not a joke


Im sorry people but events have come up and ive decided to take a long break from wattpad you guys have been good to me. Supposting me and making me laugh so i am sorry to say this might be the last time i ever post
          This is AlphaWolfoo 
          Alpha wolf
          Signing out for what hopefully is not the las5 time


          Who (or what) told Percy of his fatal flaw and what is it
          Whoever get it first will Get a shout out in my next announcemnet


@AlphaWolfoo maybe his fatal flaw would be he was too loyal? And I don't know who told him but I'm gonna go with the first god/goddess that popped into my head. Athena? Don't laugh if I'm wrong.


I figured out how Dumbledore knows everything!
          He uses the picturee
          Each picture must filter the info they hear. Its genious. There are pictures of famous wizards everywhere so when students are gosiping the painting usually overhear then they tell Dumbledore. There is even a painting guarding the gryffindor common room. He never knew much of what was going on around they slytherin part of the castle and there were no painting that i remember there. COINCIDENCE I think not