
@someguyintheroom AT THE SAME DAMN TIME?!


Hey hey never look back dumbstruck boy ego attack look boy why you so mad second guessing but shoulda hit that! Hey dummy you picked the wrong lover you should've pick that one he's cuter than the other I'm just gonna laugh cuz you're tryin to be a hipster kick em to the curb take a Polaroid picture! 


@FrozenGoat Frozen Goat... REALLY? lol i saw u in the hall yesterday, omg ok so jamie was dating selena but selena made out with dylan D (jamie's best friend) RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM at formal, and now dylan and selena (the two sluts) are going out and making out in the halls its gross, and when i asked selena why she cheated on jamie she said "because I could" dylans an idiot for trusting her too!