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Actually some of them do have jobs or earn money in some way, 
          	I earn social Security because I'm mentally disabled, the amount I'm being payed by SSI isn't enough to afford housing- 
          	I can't afford housing
          	I'm only paid like $600
          	Housing is like $10,000  
          	A lot of people who work earn less than that 
          	You realise people who get paid minimum wage could be homeless? 
          	Some homeless people work prostitution that includes... 
          	People under 18 
          	My mom works at a homeless shelter, and with that I understand where my disability places me in society and have more awareness of the difficult financial situations that people deal with, so no if your situation is that your homeless it's not as simple as "getting a job" like how everyone makes it out to be,


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Actually some of them do have jobs or earn money in some way, 
          I earn social Security because I'm mentally disabled, the amount I'm being payed by SSI isn't enough to afford housing- 
          I can't afford housing
          I'm only paid like $600
          Housing is like $10,000  
          A lot of people who work earn less than that 
          You realise people who get paid minimum wage could be homeless? 
          Some homeless people work prostitution that includes... 
          People under 18 
          My mom works at a homeless shelter, and with that I understand where my disability places me in society and have more awareness of the difficult financial situations that people deal with, so no if your situation is that your homeless it's not as simple as "getting a job" like how everyone makes it out to be,


When you're expected to walk in someone else's shoes but they never fit, so you end up  finding yourself barefoot on an unfamiliar trail, not to mention you're struggling to breathe because your lungs weren't meant to breathe This  air yeah you're not from here! 
          Someone else noticed blisters on your feet and you feel quite weak , on this peak with your weird feet
          And you're still struggling to breathe 
          While you're trying to seek what you need 
          Even though it's Quite hard to speak when you can  barely breathe


Sometimes I think that everyone is in different realities  And that's not to say everyone has psychosis, but if I'm being honest I don't know who to trust, I feel like I can't trust anyone, when I barely know if I can trust myself
          I listen to everyone stories, And they all sound so different it's like we live in different realities 
          everyone is Nobody I can trust 
          I think some are lying, but that's hard to prove, 
           please keep in mind everyone's memory isn't perfect when everyone  forgets and remembers something different... 
           It's almost like we live in different realities
          I feel like I live in a different reality because of the way you try to get me to question mine, the way you put me down to gain the upper hand... 


@Alshemi I ask myself how can I trust you now
            Because I'm not understanding the point of this Because I'll say the same thing to you that it was your perception... 
             And that what you thought happened was just your perception, I'm just saying the story you're telling only happened in your reality, but that's not reality, 
            It's like we live in different realities
            I'm sad because I want to trust someone 
            But it's like my reality breaks everytime I do


@Alshemi Tell them that they just forgot, accuse them of lying, when you're lying, tell me how could I trust you when You could be the one lying, tell me Is that just reality? 
            I'm starting to question my reality
             And I can't help but feel that you're being dishonest,  when you're so emotional about it, how do you expect me to trust  you with the way you put me down like that  makes you look bad like you're trying to gasslight, Have me Question my reality,
            I'm sorry, but it's hard to trust you when I remember a different story from the one you're telling me... 
            Is that really what Happened? 
            Is that reality? 
            You tell me that if the event was recorded That your story would match up, saying that your memory is better than mine, Is that just a brag Or, your perception? 
             telling me that what I thought what happened didn't happen, calling me a liar, for saying "my truth" but not "the truth"
            But what do you even mean by that? 
            Can you tell what "the truth" is? 


@Alshemi Having a debate over which reality is more Accurate, fighting and arguing so much I think this is the tenth time we've been over this, I want to get over this , because this conversation will never go anywhere, 
            It's like I'm talking to a wall with how stubborn you are ,I'm so afraid that I'll do crazy things to end the fight, and I know that's sad, maybe I'm just sad
            There's nobody to trust
            we are both going crazy and I have no other conclusion other then the fact we don't share the same reality 
             I find it hard to trust you when you keep claiming that you have a better memory, you sound so confident, telling someone else that they just don't remember or that they have a bad memory and that your memory is more accurate yeah, you're pretty cocky. 



Humans are just savages, it's interesting how much I came to realize that it's amazing how sadistic, and savage humans get when they're angry, hungry, upset, or just simple humor etc  it's absolute  madness! Yet for some reason dispite how savage humans are I don't hate them-


Weird thing but I don't like they/them pronouns- 
          I will respect them if someone goes by them, but my brain still confuses
           they/them with multiple people ,And idc that use can use they/them pronouns for people of any gender 
          I don't want people using they/them when referring to me,  I'm really only okay with he/him pronouns 
          They/them just sounds weird, because it makes me think your talking about me as if I identify as a group of people and that makes me feel weird


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As someone with an IQ of 75 life isn't easy nor happy for people with an IQ between 75-85  It's actually shit here's a few reasons why: 
          1. Everything an average IQ person can do is 5+ times harder FOR YOU and you're expected to do it BY YOURSELF NO HELP 
          2. People tend to prey on you and you're more likely to get bullied
          3. You're less likely to get a job and there's a lot of Shame and stigma around getting social Security... And keep in mind the majority of countries these people... Can't get social Security or food stamps
          4. People with low  IQs are MORE LIKELY TO BE HOMELESS 
          5. You're more likely to be a victim of SA 
          6. Growing up my mother never realized I had insecurities so in other words low IQ people are more likely to suffer in silence
          7. MoodSwings while this issue is less obvious yes ofcourse high IQ people can have moodSwings not saying they can't but moodSwings is a symptom of having a borderline IQ
          Anyone who says that we have it easy has no fucking clue what they are talking about


Identitying as trans-
          ,Nobody really wants to There's a lot of risk involved, you lose some religious freedom, your parents might disown you. Or it might end a romantic relationship                           Some people ask me: "Why identify as a transguy why not just be a tomboy? " And to that I say "WELL MAYBE IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT GUYISH ACTIVITIES"  You know how you're a CIS man and you might express yourself as feminine and enjoy feminine activities, or you might be a CIS woman who likes guyish activities and express yourself as more of a tomboy, Have you ever stopped and thought that well maybe a transguy can still enjoy things that are feminine? Maybe they could express themselves as feminine? That's probably the reason why he's not a tomboy!, 
          He identifies as a guy , is still pretty feminine, but doesn't want to be seen as a woman
           ,I'm not saying all transmen will express themselves as feminine , What I'm trying to say is nobody is going to identify as one gender purely because of the activities they enjoy, or how they express themselves, if that was the case then I don't think tomboys would even exist! , because they would all identify as trans, there is indeed a separation from your gender identity and how you express yourself, that's not the underlining reason as to why someone doesn't Identify as thier birth assigned gender! ,I think gender identity  has more to do with how you feel about your body, how you wish your voice to sound etc, Do you know that feeling that you get when you hear finger nails scraping against a chalkboard? Well That's how I feel when someone refers to me as she/her! , and that's why I don't just simply Identify as a tomboy


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Weird disgrace 
          Future serial killer 
          The real world isn't made for you 
          YOU ARE