Bonjour mes amis! I’m back from my (quite extensive) mental health hiatus to tell you that my brain isn’t entirely wack anymore!!!
Yay!! *Doo Doo Doo* *Fanfare*
More seriously though, I am doing a lot better recently and have found the motivation and desire to live again. Thank you to everyone who has followed me and has shared their love. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I can now safely say I’m glad to be back and ready to get to it.
As such, I’d also like to say that I’ll be beginning a work I’ve had in mind for a long time. Expect it soon. However, I’d also like to know what else you might like to read? Is there any other anime couple you’d like me to write about? Is there a certain ship from BNHA you’d like to be the focus of my next story?
Love you all, and ta ta for now!