
Hey, I've been gone for way too long. I've been doing a lot of work lately, gettig ready to go to college and such. I will have time to write soon. You may have noticed Last Call was taken down. It will be up again, alongside Grimm which is also being rewritten under a different title. Stay tuned and remember: I love you all!


Hey, I've been gone for way too long. I've been doing a lot of work lately, gettig ready to go to college and such. I will have time to write soon. You may have noticed Last Call was taken down. It will be up again, alongside Grimm which is also being rewritten under a different title. Stay tuned and remember: I love you all!


Some of you might be wondering why there hasn't been a story update in a while, well, there has been a problem with two of my stories, Scent of Roses and Grimm, although both are popular, neither fit the subject matter I am writing, the stories are stale and they aren't going in a good direction. As of now, you probably wont see anymore of those, but don't fret, I have solutions and hopefully you'll all be seeing them soon,


Do you watch the tv show Grimm? Because your book, Grimm, sounded a lot like it... with all the wesen characters. PS: Your books are really cool :D


I have never actually seen the sow Grimm, and only shortly after I published the second chapter of Grimm, my story, did I learn about the tv show that shared the same name. All the same, I am glad you enjoy my work!


Hello my friends, I have been a bit slow on the next chapter for Scent of Roses, and I apologize for that. I will get that posted as soon as I can! As for Grimm, I want you all to be even more patient, I wont release another chapter of Grimm for about two weeks due to a personal project that I will post soon. Keep reading!