Hello author! How are you doing? I hope you’re well, with hopefully, plenty of inspiration and time on your hands. I truly enjoyed reading Ruminant and hope to continue reading after a hopeful update.
I understand that life can be such a drag and that writing beautiful and meaningful works such as Ruminant often requires loads of your limited attention and energy, I just hope that if you could take the light of day to read this - that you could quite possibly sit down and consider how to continue writing more.
<just to remind you if you haven’t noticed, I plan on writing as much pleasantries as possible to create a 2000 character post, just to remind myself that writing takes consideration and that it shouldn’t be taken for granted.>
I hope you haven’t had an awful event this past period of time, and hopefully for the future as well.
Please remember to have plenty of rest and to enjoy life. with the recent holiday (thanksgiving), I hope you got to spend it with your friends and family.
Hopefully you haven’t had much pressure placed on you and if you do, don’t forget to unwind and chill!
Remember to pay attention to your surroundings outside and please don’t get sick , it feels awful and you would have to take medication in the best case scenario while facing hospitalization in the worst case scenario. Need I remind you that our workers treatment “system” sucks in comparison to some European countries? (or so I’ve been told)
The point is that it is better to prevent than to cure.
Hopefully when you have read this, you do not think I am overly crazy or that I am overstepping boundaries. Because I honestly do not know what else to write. ✍️ I am currently 1776 characters in with this sentence.
I hope you are safe and rested, for I once again implore you to update Ruminant, why? Because I liked it and because you had the time to read this whole post! I am currently starting to run out of space! Goodbye reader!