
this message may be offensive
There's so much I want to tell you:
          	So first of all, I've got my hands on a few Doctor Who books (and I got some for my birthday ). And I've got 2 with adventures with the 9th Doctor, which I'm going to adapt into chapters because their stories are so good. 
          	(And the Target novelisation of some episode is just really useful for some source material)
          	I also got one big finish audio with the 9th Doctor. and let me tell you, I cried my eyes out listening to it. Hearing Christopher Eccleston's voice, the sound effects, the sounds of the TARDIS, AND THE GENERICS OF DOCTOR WHO S1 AT THE BEGINNING. J'ai chialé ma race, as we say in French.
          	Also Good Omens S2 ? O Hail Gaiman ! but mostly Fuck you Gaiman. (I know you're laughing your head off behind your computer screen displaying your next tumblr post.)
          	I didn't watch the S3 of the Witcher. I juste can't. The Lore my friend, the Lore !!! and the characters. Sorry, I can't. Even the One Piece Live action is way, WAY better that the Witcher netflix. And i mean it most sincerely.
          	Anyway, enjoy your reading! I'm desperately trying to finish my online courses so that I can go on to year 2.
          	Have a nice cup of tea, folks !


this message may be offensive
There's so much I want to tell you:
          So first of all, I've got my hands on a few Doctor Who books (and I got some for my birthday ). And I've got 2 with adventures with the 9th Doctor, which I'm going to adapt into chapters because their stories are so good. 
          (And the Target novelisation of some episode is just really useful for some source material)
          I also got one big finish audio with the 9th Doctor. and let me tell you, I cried my eyes out listening to it. Hearing Christopher Eccleston's voice, the sound effects, the sounds of the TARDIS, AND THE GENERICS OF DOCTOR WHO S1 AT THE BEGINNING. J'ai chialé ma race, as we say in French.
          Also Good Omens S2 ? O Hail Gaiman ! but mostly Fuck you Gaiman. (I know you're laughing your head off behind your computer screen displaying your next tumblr post.)
          I didn't watch the S3 of the Witcher. I juste can't. The Lore my friend, the Lore !!! and the characters. Sorry, I can't. Even the One Piece Live action is way, WAY better that the Witcher netflix. And i mean it most sincerely.
          Anyway, enjoy your reading! I'm desperately trying to finish my online courses so that I can go on to year 2.
          Have a nice cup of tea, folks !


I couldn't resist adding a few lines from the game Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice in one of the next chapters. 
          It's a beautiful game, about mental health issues and loss, set in a brutal, nightmarish world inspired by Norse mythology and Celtic culture.
          It's disturbing, it's intense, it's beautiful and it's immersive. I can't recommend it highly enough.


Definitely a rewrite !
          I'm already rewriting the prologue. 
          I'll publish the prologue and the first chapter when I've at least rewritten 5-6 chapters. just to be safe.
          So... sorry for the long delay. I'm back ! (kinda)


Happy to see you coming back!! Take all the time you need. Writing should always be fun  


there's also a possibility that I'll change the title (but I'm not sure)


Thank you for your messages of support. Your comments too, on my stories. I read them all, and they all make me smile. 
          I am doing much better. And I've gone back to studying, interior design for the more curious, and I love it. 
          I've had this urge for some time to continue writing my stories because I have so much to share with you.
          But I have this urge to rewrite my stories.
          I wrote them in the first person. It was a kind of challenge to write like that, but it doesn't really suit me. I don't have that freedom to write as I would if I had written in the third person. 
          I started writing my fanfiction "The Redhead Outlander" when I was still in high school in 2019, at that time, the pick me trend was still very much present in fanfiction and it inevitably affected my writing. 
          And then I grew up, I matured and experienced things that make me the person I am now. And I would like to add this experience to my character, but that would mean altering her background. Which is only possible if I could rewrite it.
          And not to hide it from you, the first chapters still make me cringe a bit 
          so I'm torn between continuing to write or rewriting the whole thing.
          But it will be on my free time, for the moment studies are my priority.
          Maybe I'll start rewriting the chapters, but in terms of publications it won't be for a while .(And I'm quite lazy so...) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          Thanks again for reading my stories, taking the time to leave comments and all.
          I wish you a great year 2023!


I'm writing this note because I think it's time to at least inform you why I haven't published since... I don't even know.
          These last few years have been a real struggle for the world, on the one hand we are living in a real world pandemic (which I didn't think I would live through...) which is more or less well managed according to our countries (in France it's not that much...).
          The confinement and the bad gestation of the health situation in France meant that I spent most of my studies in my room.
          Study that I failed by the way...
          Last year I didn't feel well. I wasn't diagnosed with depression, I didn't have professional help and I was falling into depression and that depression nearly took my life.
          I now have help. I'm learning to take care of myself, I'm trying to do what I like and discover new things. I've also started reading again, God if you only knew how many books I've bought since September.
          My failure in my studies has also left me bitter and I am doing a gap year. I am trying to find a job for this year and I am trying to figure out what to do next year. I already have an idea of what I want to do, I just have to find a school that fits my needs.
          I'm also trying to get my driving licence.
          So, I don't have much time to write (that's a lie).
          Right now, I'm in a period where I don't write much. And what I do write isn't really about Doctor Who. Last time I progressed my chapter, I wrote 2-3 sentences. It's not my DW period these days, I'm reading a lot of manga and watching Anime, so my mind is more on that fandom. But at some point I'll be back on DW.
          It will just take some time. And I'm also trying to rewrite my other Witcher story while thinking of a good plot (which I didn't really have at the time).
          And luckily, I wrote down the plot on a draft so I won't get lost.
          So that's it.
          I'll leave this note until I publish my next chapter.
          Until then, I hope everything goes well for you and for me.


@ AlviaSaxon   hope your okay because is truth I was worried because you didn't publish for a time and you seem to like it and have a good story and good idea


I’m glad you’re doing well. Your health is very important for both writing and reading your books. I hope you have a good year.


Hey! Is there any other platform that I can read your stories? They are Great! 


@ LillyTheKitsune I'm on and Ao3. You can find links in my bio 