
Doesn't it get so frustrating to keep looking at the number of reads crawl up barely day after it? Does it ever get to you and makes you question your worth as a writer? 
          	It gets to me. And when it does I always have to remind myself that the writers who are recognized here on Wattpad didn't get recognized in a single day, or week, or even year. 
          	It takes time for your story to click with someone. Or maybe you need time to grow as a writer before your stories start to click with people. 
          	Please tell me I am not alone in this. 


@24alienatedMelanin aww this really made my day :) Feel free to PM me whenever you feel like talking. In the meanwhile, keep writing! Keep unraveling the greatness embedded in you.


@nadi_binitie aww thanks love ❤ 
          	  Same goes out for you, too! ❤


Doesn't it get so frustrating to keep looking at the number of reads crawl up barely day after it? Does it ever get to you and makes you question your worth as a writer? 
          It gets to me. And when it does I always have to remind myself that the writers who are recognized here on Wattpad didn't get recognized in a single day, or week, or even year. 
          It takes time for your story to click with someone. Or maybe you need time to grow as a writer before your stories start to click with people. 
          Please tell me I am not alone in this. 


@24alienatedMelanin aww this really made my day :) Feel free to PM me whenever you feel like talking. In the meanwhile, keep writing! Keep unraveling the greatness embedded in you.


@nadi_binitie aww thanks love ❤ 
            Same goes out for you, too! ❤


Writing can be so hard sometimes that it takes a toll on your mental health. Sometimes it's good and colorful but sometimes no matter hard you keep trying your words can't seem to match what's in your brain. 
          This is a reminder to you: whoever you are reading this. Your high taste is what got you into writing and someday, through effort, your work will match it. 
          Keep pushing. 
          We're in this together.  
          (Just uploaded two chapters that took quite a while to finish. It would make my day if you check them out.)


@24Peachs So inspiring. I'm hardly out of my teens. though I wish I were at times. Many of my peers don't have a burning passion to write as I do. and I think it would be more beneficial to my writing if I surrounded my self with older and more experienced writers. But it's funny how deceiving the mind is. I tried to surround myself with better writers, oh I tried, but the feeling of inadequacy grew too heavy to bear. 
            I'll keep your perspective in mind. Very powerful indeed. Complicated arts like writing take years to hone, but growth is inevitable with enough practice.
            Thank you for the words of encouragement. It'll always come back to it when I feel like wallowing in my self-made dark hole anytime soon (which is very soon)
            Looking forward to a conversation with you. Maybe I'd grab a notebook next time and fill it with loads of insight. :)
            Much love.


@Pecowrites Nobody talks about it this way. It's always gold and rainbows when they talk about it. But maybe the truth is that it's not and we tend to forget about how hard it is until we're back wracking our brains for the next word to write. 
            I have joined Wattpad before when I was fifteen. I uploaded about two chapters then gave it. 
            Now I'm twenty two and I'm taking a second chance. My writing is way better now, and I have learnt the fundamentals of story structure (enough to sustain me till the end of a novel at least) 
            I don't know how old you are but I assure you your skills will keep growing throughout the years. This is guaranteed! My experience is proof of that! 
            Thank you so much for replying to my posts. I am here whenever you need a little chat about whatever it is you want to chat about. 
            I hope you have a very beautiful day 
            And maybe someday we'll get to have this same kind of conversation but on the other side of Wattpad. 


@Pecowrites I assure you it's the exact same for me. Every chapter I upload takes me about six hours of writing and rewriting if not more and I'm not exaggerating. Not even a little bit. 
            It is a struggle at times. And sometimes I write 2k words in one setting (which takes me like two hours) and I think to myself that I have written a very good gut wrenching emotional and very sincere chapter. And the next day when I sit down to edit it it turns out to be very clunky and gimmicky. And this goes for all the chapters I have written. Not a single one was done in one setting and the editing takes me two days at least to finish. And after that I am sure it still needs some more refining: plot editing, structural editing, line editing, grammar fixing. Not to mention my questionable choice of words for some (if not most) sentences. 
            It is a struggle. But we choose to carry on. I would be lying if I told you I lose myself when I write. Most times I don't. It's only in the intervals between writing sessions that I lose myself in my fantasizing about the story. That is the fun part for me. It's only fun when it's already written and I get to think about it free of the burden of it only existing in thought that it's enjoyable. 


Thanks for reading my book, Locked in. You have no idea how much it means to me. I didn't think anyone would bother reading it, but apparently you proved me wrong! :)


Aww, thank you!


@Pecowrites Always have faith and keep on writing <3 I am ENJOYING your book!!!!!