
I just wanted to post you a comment telling you how amazing of a writer you are... I just read your book and it was full of emotion and love... I felt every emotion you posed in the characters and I even teared up at parts... Keep following your dreams and please keep writing.. I am so looking forward to see what else you have for us!!!! Much love   


Oh thank you, lovely! This has really made me so chuffed and it makes all of the effort I put in 110% worth it! Hopefully more things are on the way! So much love to you ❤️❤️❤️


Hey :) I'm writing a story called Dreadful Things and it'd really mean the whole world to me if you could check it out and maybe vote/comment on it so I know what you think about it!! xx


@EmilyGamon6 thank you so much, you're so sweet! ❤️


@blackbow_  yeah of course! I'll have a look! xx