
I've finally updated after a whole year!


i just read your story, Love beats Evil, in a day and i love it. please update! :) 


@ValentinaDare  The story is great! with engaging characters, steady plot, and of course, the cute romance. :) im a sucker for these types of stories. please keep writing! there are some grammar and spelling errors, but seriously, who doesn't have them?! :) I find them all over my own stories. Thank you again for updating and stay motivated! Practice makes perfect! it really does. 


@ValentinaDare  it was actually your reading and voting that has motivated me to come back to this story after a year. Thank you so much for your interest in my story!


hey there! thanks for the vote on my story: ETHEREAL! 
          and yes I totally feel you. i have so many great ideas but then lose motivation to write it on paper.. i'd be more than happy to help a fellow ozzie out if you need any tips for your writing!! :)


I would love your advice! Your writing skill is amazing and I would really appreciate it :)