"Hey, I don't know maybe your google's broken?" -One of my favorite quotes. 
Um that's all I got? yeah well.

My names Brooke, and Aussie,
I have nothing else to write...
'Apparently' I'm weird and an idiot. I dont see the weird part. But I am the biggest idiot I know...
Im very energetic, at times, Im a lazy person but once something happens I jump around like a idiot..x

| I love One Direction, Batman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney and Punk Disney . Planing on getting a Batman tattoo, yay.

Thats all I got....
Read my stories, tell me what you think, vote?

If you suggest stories, great but I might not read them because well I'm a lazy person but if its interesting I will read it so worth a try?

Follow @MaddieLesley best girl! xx
Follow me on Twitter yeah? @_TweetingTwit_
  • IscrittoOctober 21, 2012

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AlwaysThatGirl AlwaysThatGirl Jul 07, 2013 08:48AM
 Follow my other account, I follow back http://www.wattpad.com/user/SomeStupidGirl x
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Storie di AlwaysThatGirl
My Pacer Song. di AlwaysThatGirl
My Pacer Song.
Um well at school, Amber broke my Pacer so I made a song and told her I would upload it so... yeah its to th...
My Promised Lie di AlwaysThatGirl
My Promised Lie
There are so many stories of girls getting the man of her dreams, girls getting over their problems and girls...
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