
Woah! So i realized it's been a year almost to the day, since i posted my second letter in Letters and Love Notes. Ironically, i just posted a new letter to that very same person. It's really interesting to see the two different mind sets and the difference in grammatical structure when you compare them.  I swear i didn't do it on purpose...  I do hope you like these though and you're finding some sort of, i don't know, wisdom? Self assurance? at the very least a good laugh in some of the things i've come to realize. And if you haven't given Letters and Love Notes a shot i really hope you do, and i hope you let me know what you think. It really means a lot. Thanks guys <3


Woah! So i realized it's been a year almost to the day, since i posted my second letter in Letters and Love Notes. Ironically, i just posted a new letter to that very same person. It's really interesting to see the two different mind sets and the difference in grammatical structure when you compare them.  I swear i didn't do it on purpose...  I do hope you like these though and you're finding some sort of, i don't know, wisdom? Self assurance? at the very least a good laugh in some of the things i've come to realize. And if you haven't given Letters and Love Notes a shot i really hope you do, and i hope you let me know what you think. It really means a lot. Thanks guys <3


Should i enter "A Forbidden Attraction" in a poetry contest? Thoughts? There's one grand prize winner and two secondary winners. This would be my first submission into a contest, it costs just shy of $7 to enter. Is it worth it? What if i don't make it? lol I'm nervous :)


Goodness! Thanks so much for getting Letters and Love notes to #697 on the Hot List for the Honest tag. It's the first bit of recognition i've actually gotten from Wattpad, so it's extra special! I haven't been on in ages so it was a nice surprise. I'll try to be more active. Again thanks so much! And if you haven't read it yet, please consider ;) lol.


Thank you guys so much for your support, it means the world. I've been reading all of your comments.
          I just published a new part, "Responding to a sneeze." in my project "This is me." Feel free to check it out if you want to see how i overthink the most mundane things. Much love :)