
.................... so hi guys!! I’m sorry for being gone for so long as I said before I was going through some things. I will be getting back to Ryan’s story. Again I’m sorry i took so long.  


OK so a little update about how I'm doing and what's going on and what I have in store for you guys. First of all I'm doing OK I don't feel as bad as I have been so I'm feeling pretty decent on that standpoint. Everything is getting a little easier and I don't feel as bad as I did so I'm really happy to say that. Secondly I will be re-writing Alxander's (Lex's) story completely from beginning to and over because I'm just not happy with what I have put up. It's not really his story. So when I first started writing his story I started it with his story but then I got scared that nobody would like it and so I changed it to what I thought everyone would want to read more than what his actual story was. And the biggest reason that I got scared was because I am sort of basing him off of me so with what his story is really about is a lot of what I've been going through recently and I just got really scared to tell people but I'm not scared anymore so I'm going to redo it to his actual story. I hope you guys will enjoy his real story and I hope that I can get it finished soon and publish it. I'm going to write the whole thing and then publish it after I'm completely done with it and I'll be doing that from now on with all of my books.


Okay guys, so I wanted to post and tell you guys why I haven't been posting updates. I have A LOT going on personally and most of it is dealing with my mental health. I have bad anxiety and severe depression, and I haven't had meds for a while now. So recently I finally went back to a professional to get more help and now I'll be taking meds again. Now ,when they get into my system(1-2 months maybe) I will be finishing Lex's Story then continuing with Born Again and the rest of that series. I promise I'm going to finish what is up and work more on new ideas for all you lovelies. Just please bear with me. I love you guys! And I hope you are having a great day!


@roxyvzh more like I'm waiting to see how much of an affect they'll have on me. And good luck with the bugs. Eww. Thank you for your concern though


            Does it normally take a while yo kick in? Is that normal for you? I know this is personal, but I also know how important support systems are. Have a good night. My night will be torture because light is out and mosquitoes are out for blood-literally


Hi @Alx_Rhys
          Thank you so much for the follow and for all your votes on the Phoenix's hypothesis! It's deeply appreciated! :D
          Seems that you found @Snape75 stories as well, so you'll be busy for quite a while ;-).


@Snape75 no problem.  I went backwards though and started with the 3rd book first....opps....  but I'm more of a masochist anyways so I relate more to that book lol


            Thank you so much for your votes on I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars! They're much appreciated ;)


@Fhanth yes I will. I'm very happy that I stumbled upon both of you.


Okay guys, I want to let you know that I'm un-publishing Finally Free. I'm not really happy with how it is going, it feels to fast paced. So I'm going to rewrite Lex's story, probably going to rename it as well. But I am working on something else for you guys.


this message may be offensive
          Ily though


You're cute