
Hey Loves, 
          	big News! 
          	"Why Me" is now available as Amazon Kindle eBook! 
          	The Paperback edition will follow soon! 
          	Follow the Link to find my eBook:
          	Love, Aly 


Hey Loves! I'm back!
          A little Update on the Why Series:
          Im currently editing Why Me to hopefully have it published later this year, on around the first few months of 2025.
          My phone just broke, which was my main way to work on the Why Series, so everything is basically on hold right now. Lucky a colleague of mine has an old phone that I can have by the end of this week. 
          My Instagram @authoralygreen is also having a restart, and I'm working on a few more things in the background.
          Much love & hugs, Aly


          I passed all my exams!
          I started a second job.
          I haven't really moved into my apartment, but I already got the keys.
          And most importantly, I will be able to start writing more soon!
          Since I'm in love myself, I hope that Why Him won't be hard for me to continue writing it. I also have so many ideas running through my mind, that I currently started writing multiple stories at once...
          I'm a mess, but that's fine. Why Him will continue soon.
          Love, Aly ♡


Hey Sunshines,
          I'm very sorry for the long pause. 
          There's a lot going on lately, I'm moving out from home and next week are my last exams. 
          August will still be a little stressful, since I have to move in, renovate the place, will probably not have Wifi the first few weeks.
          I'm on it, but a new Chapter for Why Him will take a little while.
          Love, Aly  ♡


          The Prologue of Why Him is up!
          It might take a while until I'm fully back in the game.
          I just started my final exam preparations and life's gotten a little stressful...
          Thank you for the patience!
           Love, Aly ♡


          Yesterday night, I updated the last Chapter!
          Why Me is now complete!
          Thank you for tagging along with Book 1 ♡
          I'm already working on Book 2, but it might take a little while until I upload anything of it.
          Love, Aly ♡