
Hey all, this will likely be the last post on this account but I wanted to share a link to my new story (on my new account) called 'About A Girl'. It follows Lyanna Vanderbilt through teenage pregnancy and the trials and tribulations of being a teenager in general. I hope you all enjoy!


Hello there. I don't know how to even begin this post but it was about time I found my way back to this account. I haven't posted on here since before I turned sixteen, and I am now nineteen. Life has been ridiculous in the last couple of years, but here I am. Wattpad has changed beyond belief. I don't know if any of my followers are still active. My love for writing kind of died for a long time, but it is back and has been for a while now. I'm not certain what I'm going to post here yet, I might write a story with the same kind of plot as My Secret Life (my OG series). I really want to delve into mystery. Maybe romance too? I have quite a few ideas in mind. If any of you are still active and would like me to work on a specific genre, let me know! Should I redo MSL?? Your feedback is greatly appreciated. See you all soon <3


I’m hanging in there. Glad you’ve returned. Sorry you lost motivation. I almost lost my motivation to write as well but I still do@AlyTureven


@BrightBurningStar I've been alright, hbu? :D


@AlyTureven Aly!!!! I missed ya!!! How you been???


To all of my followers,
          Wow, it's been over a year since I've posted anything on Wattpad... There's so much I want to say so let me start here: I'm so sorry I fell off the grid. I'm so sorry I deleted my MSL series... I regret it so much and I know people were reading it and that people liked it and deleting it was so unfair. I had planned on rewriting it but a lot of... crap has been going on in my life and I have had zero inspiration for anything. Lately, I've been feeling the itch to write again. I'm not going to make any promises because I'm not better yet (though I'm working through everything) and I have no idea if any of you are still active on here, but my goal is to post something by August sometime. Part of me wanted to write a script and do a series on youtube but I feel like that would be too much for me right now so I'm sticking to a story for the time being. If I start a book, I don't want to cancel it again because that makes me feel so crappy and none of my readers deserve that. I've made other accounts thinking starting over would help, but it hasn't and I believe it's because this account started me. I had so much help and made so many friends (some of them aren't even around anymore) but this account means everything to me, along with all the people I met because of it. Sorry for the long post, but I hope to be back in action soon enough :) <3


I haven't been on your profile in forever but I'm so disappointed to see that you've deleted MSLP. It was the first story I ever read on wattpad and I honestly loved it so much!


@Shania__Wilson Sooner than I though lol It's up now! :D


@Shania__Wilson YAY! Well I shall keep an out :D


@Shania__Wilson planning for MSLP is underway! :) You should be seeing something very soon! :D


Hey everyone,
          I need your opinions...
          So, I've been thinking a lot lately and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me re-writing MSLP and posting it for everyone to read again? I don't know If I'll do it as updates once a week or all at once, edited and everything.
          If enough people are interested, I shall do it. I really miss Cece and Aaron and I was thinking it would be cool to give it a try again while changing a few things about it. I have notes somewhere with details about the books, so it would't be that different, but different enough to make it a little more fresh!
          Let me know, and I'll start writing it!


@KaylaKrantz Thank you :) I'm really debating it! haha I'd love to try it again, this time with a little more experience!


@AlyTureven I think that would be a great idea! I loved when I read your MSLP series before! I'd encourage you to try it.