
New poem is live! Please check it out!!!!!! 


Hi guys! I'm back, and trying to be better than ever!  Recently, I have been diagnosed with Depression, GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), and Social Anxiety. I have begun going to therapy to try and help me. I'm hoping it helps.  I've had a few new ideas for some stories, but I don't know if they will go anywhere. 
          I have posted something new though! One of my favorite actors is a big advocate for mental illness, as he suffers from anxiety and depression. He created something called the Self-Care Chronicles. Every few months, or whenever he feels like he needs it, he beings posting little things in his daily life that made him feel better and that brought him joy. Just little things that calm his mind and soothe his soul. I decided to try it. I created my own version of the Self-Care Chronicle.  Every day, I will share what my self-care looked like in a book I called "Today's Self-Care looked like....". I hope that you guys check it out and share what your self care looks like! 
          I love you guys! Thank you for sticking by me even thought I hardly ever post anymore. It means the world to me. I want to try and become closer with my readers, and hopefully this new book will bring me closer to some of you. 
          Mental Illness is nothing to be ashamed of. It is scary, and frustrating, and infuriating.  I'm here if any of you ever need to talk. I'm here to listen. I'm here to help to the best of my abilities. Please, don't be afraid to talk to someone if you suffer from  a mental illness. There are people who want to help you and see you blossom into everything you can be. 
          Love you guys<3


I have nothing to psot for you guys. I'm sorry, I can't get a good idea flowing long enough for me to write out good chapters, edit them and get them posted. It breaks my heart because I want to write, I really do. I just don't have the capability at the moment to do so.  
          What I would like from you, my wonderful fans, if any of you are left, Is to message or comment below story ideas, character names and descriptions.  Anything is appreciated. I've been in a major slump and really, really want to get out of it! 
          Xo -Lyss


Wow it's been so long since I've said hi to all of you! Sorry for that.  My wifi has been weird latley, and since I am on my phone most of the time, I don't usually post. Hopefully I will have some new stuff up for you all to read soon! XOXOX


Currently writing a new book. It's a collab with another awesome writer friend of mine! Base Stealer is coming soon!!! Keep an eye out! Odd chapters will be written by me and in first person.  Even chapters are written by my friend and are in third person!


Hey guys! So I created a new wattpad account. This one does not have and will never have any fan fictions on it. This is purely fiction novels. I haven't posted any new books on it yet, but i am in the middle of writting one. Please follow @StarsAlign_98. That is my account. I will still be posting and editing on this account, but I will be running that account as well. Thanks guy!