Hi! I'm Alyson. I'm nineteen and ready to start my life the way that I want it. 

Ever since I was a child, I have written in journals to let out my feelings as I have never been very good at speaking my mind. When I got to high school, I had some really hard times that nearly killed me. Then, I met the most amazing teacher of whom changed my perspective on not only life but writing and how much writing can influence people.

Writing gives me freedom of expression. It is my life, and I will never stop. Ever.

I play the guitar and the piano, and I love music with all of my heart and soul. I did theatre often when I was younger and learned how to sing like an opera star, but never truly used it. Believe it or not, I am obsessed with rock music. It speaks to me haha.

If you have any recommendations for what I should read or need anything, or even just want to say "hello" feel free to contact me at any time. I promise I don't bite:)
  • Indiana
  • JoinedJanuary 9, 2016

Last Message
AlysonStory AlysonStory Oct 25, 2016 05:48PM
If you could all please let me know which story I should continue, that would be awesome. Some of my stories are fully completed though. Thanks so much ❤
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