
          	First and foremost, I know I haven't been very good at keeping up with my updates this last year. I had some family issues that happened, then just experienced a major writing block, so I thank you all for your patience.
          	Secondly, I am still working on Valerie. I've come to the decision that I will finish the last few chapters and then publish all the chapters together! It'll be done within a couple of weeks, so keep a lookout for that!
          	Thank you to those who have asked. It makes me extremely happy to know that so many still enjoy the book!
          	Have a happy Friday!


@AlyssaB2750 hi I was wondering if the book is ever gonna get finished I've loved reading it and I honestly wish there was more to it but I understand if you don't want to finish it but I would really love to know the rest of the book


It’s okay take as much time as you need!! 


@ AlyssaB2750  it's no problem sweetheart take care


          First and foremost, I know I haven't been very good at keeping up with my updates this last year. I had some family issues that happened, then just experienced a major writing block, so I thank you all for your patience.
          Secondly, I am still working on Valerie. I've come to the decision that I will finish the last few chapters and then publish all the chapters together! It'll be done within a couple of weeks, so keep a lookout for that!
          Thank you to those who have asked. It makes me extremely happy to know that so many still enjoy the book!
          Have a happy Friday!


@AlyssaB2750 hi I was wondering if the book is ever gonna get finished I've loved reading it and I honestly wish there was more to it but I understand if you don't want to finish it but I would really love to know the rest of the book


It’s okay take as much time as you need!! 


@ AlyssaB2750  it's no problem sweetheart take care