
Happy holidays everyone regardless of what you're celebrating! 


Hi I know your probably being bombarded with questions on if and when your books will be updated and don't want to pressure you by asking if you'll continue the goddess with blades levi x reader book. I really enjoy your stories and hope you continue to write them. Its sad to see so many stories I enjoy not be continued and hope it doesn't happen to this one. 


Hi :) just out of wondering are you planing on updating the karma x reader or is it being  discontinued? I just started it but I’m already in love with it


@Dweeb1717 and @shinsouspillow I'm sorry for the late reply but i have probably over looked the notif during my writing break. Thanks for responding to the question so I could see it! 


@Dweeb1717 it's still being continued, although it may not really seem that way at the moment. I'm first completing the rewritten version where some plot points and overall story will change a bit to allow for a better flow in the later parts of the story. Beside that I took a break from writing in general for a while but recently returned! It's a bit difficult to manage the rewrite process because of the odd connection between the two versions, so while I'm trying to figure that out, rest assured that a new rewritten chapter will update relatively soon when I get it all sorted out! 


Can someone explain to me how the chapter order of Goddess with a blade  [Levi x reader] got changed and I can't fix it? Is it showing up the same for y'all or not? I've tried to put them back in order and save but it just doesn't work? Does anyone know how to fix this? 


@Alysss01 oop, you got help. Lol nevermind!. 


@unfricnded thank you for the help! I'm glad it's not something universally, it's indeed probably just wattpad that messed something up. 


It looks fine on my end it maybe wattpad is just acting weird or like they updated and messed something up


You have to update this story please please please *puppy eyes*


@sxnpxiX2 Levi's story gets updated weekly on Sundays (time zone CEST), whenever that changes an announcement will be made in the discord server. I'm trying to get another chapter out on Christmas but it's not entirely sure yet cause life's been busy, weekly updates are close to guaranteed though. 


Levi Levi Levi 
            ❤️pretty please 


@sxnpxiX2 which out of the two? Karma or Levi? ^~^