
Screw it. I'm rewriting book one of the original Omegaverse to be slightly more original.


A couple of announcements to make:
          One more day until the release of a fic I've had a lot of involvement in, Emethyst's Journey: Apocalyptic Vengeance, which I've co-authored alongside @Gore_Jus. It's gonna shake up the world of Emethyst's Journey quite a bit, and I'm excited to see it finally release and to continue working on it as I have.
          Second of all, I've unpublished the old Omegaverse fic in favor of Omegaverse//WAR. It's just plain bad, I don't like it anymore. That, and I want to go a different direction with the franchise, one that will lead, eventually, to a publishing deal, as well as one where I can show off my new skills I've learned from Apocalyptic Vengeance. The crossover just wouldn't cut it in that case.


After much thought and consideration, as well as several months of collaborating with the lovely @Gore_Jus and learning from her... I have decided to scrap the present Omegaverse fic in favor of a new fic - not even a fanfic, per se, but a work of fiction. The A/N just published will explain why.


Don't take this the wrong way but they look your story is all over the place yeah their are infinite numbers of universe but you should have it a siren limited.


@0valeyes Sorta. Some are specific universes that exist on their own as canon universes, some are universes with worlds of similar types bound to one universe, and 127 and 128 are what are called the Twin Plots, as they contain more plot detail than any of the others (I plan on making a parallel story taking place in 127.)


            Do you gave them class types?


@0valeyes It is limited to 256 universes. It's all over the place because the Omegaverse is a complicated place.


HOT TAKE: Ash Betrayed is stupid. There's few reasons for it to happen properly, and most of the time, it winds up being a badfic or mediocre at the best. I'm gonna mission a really NSFW fic first (and if you're interested in the PPC, you should go read the original series first), but some betrayal fics are next.