
Due to a lack of inspiration compared to my book: The trapper and a gang. I wanted to create a new story, this time by modifying a lot of things. Know that I am not giving up my old book, but I feel the need to write something completely different. Hoping not to disappoint you and that you will enjoy my new book entitled: The three cheaters.


now the book is called: the Untamed. lol


Due to a lack of inspiration compared to my book: The trapper and a gang. I wanted to create a new story, this time by modifying a lot of things. Know that I am not giving up my old book, but I feel the need to write something completely different. Hoping not to disappoint you and that you will enjoy my new book entitled: The three cheaters.


now the book is called: the Untamed. lol


Hello everyone!! Sorry to have written nothing in recent months, too much health problem prevented me from writing other than my last publication "You'll float too". I announce that following the movie "It chapter 2" that I saw last week, my aspiration as well as my imagination did not stop growing, therefore a new book related to chapter 2 will arrive soon! On the other hand there will be no link with the previous book "You'll float too", It will be a new oc that I created and her story will be very different from Cavatica you knew in my story "You'll float too ", so check your notifications !!!!


Hello everyone! Sorry to have not posted any chapters for " The trapper and a gang" lately, my health was very bad. But no worries, I'm better and the story is far from over! If you have any ideas, tell me and I would love to know your opinion on this adventure!


Fanfiction of Red ead redemption!! Tell me if you like and I will continue!!!


@AmalMyersDBH  Awesome I can't wait for the next chapters


@Katharine2021 Thank you very much, I really appreciate, the story is far from over, I have a lot of ideas, thank you very much !!!


@AmalMyersDBH  I love your book The trapper and a gang, good job keep up the good work