
Hi everyone! I just posted Chapter 19 for Escaflowne: Destiny's Path. We are rounding the last bend I think. I'm so thankful for everyone who has continued to read this far!


I came back to Wattpad JUST to catch up and keep up on your story. I have never read any work that feels so canon in all my years. Ty for giving fans far more than we could ever expect from a franchise that far gone. I love your work so much


Hello there. Can I ask,when will you update your story about Escaflone? I love it. Its almost two years ago


That is good to hear. Thank you very much


@RenNales the pandemic and other projects have put a dent in my frequency of writing... I never stopped working my day job through the pandemic. I can't promise when the chapters will be released but I CAN promise that the story will be completed. This one is very dear to my heart and I have it pretty much plotted all the way to the end. I'm so glad you enjoy it. Hearing that keeps me going. 


Hey all,
          I just posted a new chapter of Escaflowne: Destiny's Path. Let me know what you think!
          Thing's are getting a bit hairy on Gaea.
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