After reading some comments on your page, I think it is clear that you just come after people and start bashing their religions rudely. I am no longer interested in arguing with you but you must know that this has to stop. You are displaying a bad reputation for yourself by doing this. I am defending all religions here. Calls us "religious freaks" if you wish. None of the religious community feels indifferent and will not be afraid of your comments. Thank you for reading. Mind, this is a message to you and I expect no reply.
@habibtisaha stop shoving your religious propaganda down my throat. I don’t believe in your religion. Don’t push it on me.
@habibtisaha doesn't matter anymore. You chose dunya so may Allah give you good in this dunya and perhaps guide you once again.
@habibtisaha Of course your entitled ass expects no reply because you’re so used to people mollycoddling you and appeasing you. Well I’m not the one to shut up, especially after you just posted on my message board after writing a long paragraph in the comment section but then telling me not to reply claiming you’re too sick. Then you have the audacity to write another message on my board and then tell me to not reply? Do you even see how entitled you are or has your religious superiority complex blinded you from that too? You just want to me shut up and have the last work but that’s not gonna happen.