
Dear Friends,
          	This is an exciting exciting day over in Survivors BODY & BLOOD land. The third book in the series is is the first in which you start hearing from multiple protagonists. For the next section of the book, you’ll be hearing it from Everett Winter.
          	I could NOT be more excited to take you all to the point in the story where you start seeing dudes you never have before. 
          	And all this with Everett leads up to the NEXT section, to my favorite of favorite characters who tells over 40% of this book’s story. 
          	There’s so much left to come with Survivors. It’s just getting started. 
          	Go! Read! Post! Share! You guys are amazing.


Hello ❤️ Sorry for posting this message here.
          Guys,if you are a fan of Nick and Noah, take a moment to check out my new work which is an amazing fanfiction of the CULPABLE TRILOGY.My goal is to get 1 K views.Hope you will co-operate.Read and let me know about your opinions.See you there.✨


I just binged your 3 books and I was blown away by the intricacy of the plot, your details and folklore and the characters.  Really, really terrific!  I hope you release book 4 and 5 some time, so we can see where you led the Survivors and the Winters.  Thank you for this amazing series!


Hey, I love your book, I hope had enough coins to buy the whole book. It's random but I'm not forcing anyone to try my book if you can, do it(or else I'm stealing all your cookies) joking but I will appreciate it in my next life(No this life too).
          (spoiler) it's an MxM story( nah that doesn't count as a spoiler). But…. The fact he never wears slippers after a bath, sure might be


Hello, you have a great writing style that is worth reading, so if you are free, I hope you and everyone who is reading my ad now will check out my novel, and I would be grateful to hear your opinion and constructive criticism on it, and thank you •_-