
Good morning! I've had a couple of people ask me about an epilogue/sequel for RUN, so I thought I'd give y'all an update.
          	1) I do not have an epilogue planned for RUN, nor do I have plans for a sequel at this point. I know the ending is a little open-ended, but in my head, McKenna and Trevor's story has reached its conclusion. Whether they're still together at this point or not is entirely up to your imagination :) THAT SAID, I have (very, very) vague plans for a book about Celia, McKenna's friend from the diner. If I actually manage to find time to write it, expect McKenna to pop up.
          	2) I am SO SORRY I haven't been posting chapters for NOT ABOUT LOVE. I have no excuse. The book is finished. I just keep forgetting to post the rest of the chapters. 
          	3) (shameless self-promotion coming up) I have a bunch of new releases this year. Some are short, some are not, and some will be available in print if you prefer actual books to ebooks! They're available at all major vendors (well, except THE PERFECT MAN, that's only at Amazon for now). Now you know where I've been spending all my time - writing other books!
          	Happy spring, everyone!


@AmandaKByrne  hey, could you please start posting the remaining chapters for  NOT ABOUT LOVE? Please 


Good morning! I've had a couple of people ask me about an epilogue/sequel for RUN, so I thought I'd give y'all an update.
          1) I do not have an epilogue planned for RUN, nor do I have plans for a sequel at this point. I know the ending is a little open-ended, but in my head, McKenna and Trevor's story has reached its conclusion. Whether they're still together at this point or not is entirely up to your imagination :) THAT SAID, I have (very, very) vague plans for a book about Celia, McKenna's friend from the diner. If I actually manage to find time to write it, expect McKenna to pop up.
          2) I am SO SORRY I haven't been posting chapters for NOT ABOUT LOVE. I have no excuse. The book is finished. I just keep forgetting to post the rest of the chapters. 
          3) (shameless self-promotion coming up) I have a bunch of new releases this year. Some are short, some are not, and some will be available in print if you prefer actual books to ebooks! They're available at all major vendors (well, except THE PERFECT MAN, that's only at Amazon for now). Now you know where I've been spending all my time - writing other books!
          Happy spring, everyone!


@AmandaKByrne  hey, could you please start posting the remaining chapters for  NOT ABOUT LOVE? Please 


*waves* Hey and howdy, my lovelies! I've had a few questions about TOUCH lately, so I wanted to give you a sort of update.
          TOUCH: AWAKENING is just the first part of the story. There WILL be some point. Anything that involves world building (dystopian, urban fantasy, etc) is a more involved writing process for me, so it takes longer. And I wish I could tell you that it will absolutely be ready to post by the end of this year. But...nope. I have other projects that have to come first (pesky deadlines). I'm hoping I may be able to start it later this year IF I manage to get on top of my releases for 2017.
          Thanks for your patience -- I swear, I am going to finish the story!
          In the meantime, a question: any interest in reading the rest of Nora's story (FRACTURE)? Right now I only have the first chapter posted. The book is available for sale (both ebook and paperback) but since I'm not beholden to anyone other than myself, I may go ahead and post the rest of it...but only if there's enough interest :)


Just finished Touch and OMG I can't wait til the rest of the story is revealed. I felt like you needed to know someone was fangirling all over your book the entire time I read it haha. 
            Not gonna lie the end of the book reminded me so much of "planet of the apes" when (SPOILER ALERT) they see the Statue of Liberty and realize they've been on earth the entire time and not another planet!! 


@AmandaKByrne Hey, is there any chance you're posting the rest of Fracture here?


Hi. Just want to say that i enjoyed Touch: Awakening very much. Will there be a sequel and when more or less can we expect it. 


@NinaBosKind Oh, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do have plans for a sequel, but it's not likely to happen any time soon. I have a bunch of other deadlines to meet and projects to finish before I can tackle this one. But I promise you'll get to find out what happens to Lex and Drew!


Sad news today in Romancelandia. One of my favorite publishers, Samhain Publishing, is shutting down. They were one of the first to embrace ebooks, and they have a stellar reputation in the industry for being author-friendly. I know so many authors who got their start with them. So if you're looking for a new book to read this weekend, check out their titles over at They've put out some amazing urban fantasy and paranormal romance in the last few years, and some super hot romance, too. Need a rec? Sierra Dean's Secret McQueen books are awesome, and I loved Em Petrova's Country Fever series. Rinda Elliott's Beri O'Dell books were unique and fun, and I ADORED Barbara Elsborg's Falling. Romance not your thing? They have a horror line, too. Sad to see them closing their doors. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some books to buy.


Happy February, everyone! I'm going to be posting chapters from NOT ABOUT LOVE over the next couple of weeks. This was the first romance I ever wrote, way back in 2012. Lisle and Braden were one of my all-time favorite couples to write, and I'm looking forward to sharing their story with you. 
          Usual warnings apply - expect swearing, sex, and snark. Also, Braden's a little on the perfect side. Because reasons.


*waves* Helloooo, my lovelies! I hope you're all enjoying my stories. There'll be more to come, don't worry, but it may be a while between postings. I have another one coming this winter, and eventually I'm going to post the rest of Lex and Drew's story (but I have to write it first).
          A few things to keep in mind:
          1) My characters swear. I swear. A lot. 
          2) They also have sex. Sometimes in graphic detail. Not appropriate for young eyes, even if you promise you can handle it.
          If either of those things offend you, feel free to ignore my stories. I won't mind.
          In the meantime, happy reading, and stay fabulous!