
Lots of updates everybody, go check 'em out :)


¿Maestro puedo ir al baño, por favor?


 Lololol guess I'm gonna have to learn how to say that in Korean now xD


@-We_Only_Live_Once- I'm getting ready for Spanish class


Hey guys :) hope you are enjoying The Inconsequential Tales! Leave any comments with advice are always welcomed and appreciate, I love to know what your thinking! :) and if you have time I'd love for you guys to check out Free Reign. It's a work in progress so once again any ideas welcomed :) thank you guys for your time!


@AmandaLeasure I have a suggestion, next time, can you not write about seagulls grinding on the sun? Be considerate, there are kids on this app XD


I do this for everyone who reads my books so....
          Thank you so much for reading and voting on my books Key'd and Rule #1: Never Date An Ace. I appreciate it all very much, and feel free to comment if you find spelling/grammar mistakes, if you have a prediction, or if you just have emotions with it. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!