
So I know I haven't been on here in eons, but I've been lacking the ideas needed to help continue my stories. In an effort to get a break from my own creations as well as just have a little fun, my boyfriend and I have decided to create a joint account in which we will write one or several stories together. We would totally appreciate if you checked it out once we get started. Our account is @TheAdorkableDuo and we will hopefully be posting something super soon. Hopefully I will be able to begin writing my own stuff soon as well. Much love to you all and thanks in advance! (:


So I know I haven't been on here in eons, but I've been lacking the ideas needed to help continue my stories. In an effort to get a break from my own creations as well as just have a little fun, my boyfriend and I have decided to create a joint account in which we will write one or several stories together. We would totally appreciate if you checked it out once we get started. Our account is @TheAdorkableDuo and we will hopefully be posting something super soon. Hopefully I will be able to begin writing my own stuff soon as well. Much love to you all and thanks in advance! (:


@Random_Logic Your logic really is random. I know what your opinion is of my comments. But its just your opinion, and based on immaturity. I did not use any bad language, and did not make any personal attacks. I spoke about the writing, not the writer. I was polite. Your attacks on me are not polite.
          I never made any judgement of your intelligence, just your maturity level. I can judge someones maturity based on their comment. I never said I was a perfect writer. That doesn't change the fact that other people write very badly. You need to start working on talking about writing, not about people. Please don't respond. 


          Hi, I had almost completely forgotten about you. Haha. 
          First off, I would like to say that I am not too young to understand manners. You have no right to judge my intelligence based on my age. I get that manners sometimes involve saying things that are not necessarily complimentary. I get that completely. If something has to be said, then let it be said. But at the same time, you don't have to be as rude as you are about it. 
          Whether you mean to or not, you are coming off as very rude. I understand that you're giving criticism, I get that. But I haven't seen many stories where you have something pleasant to say. 
          I know my writing isn't perfect. I'm not a published, professional author. I appreciate any feedback I get, positive or negative. But the feedback you gave me was not even about my writing ability, but instead seemed only to have the purpose of cutting down my story and my characters. 
          Are you a perfect writer? No. DO you make mistakes? Yes. Everyone does. And I'm sure you get criticism on your works sometimes too. But there is a difference between criticism and coming off as rude. And unfortunately, you come off as very rude.
          Now I'm not sure how old you are, or how long you've been writing, but you need to learn that nobody in the writing industry is perfect. In fact, I noticed a few grammatical errors in your post to me. I've read published books and found typos! 
          Basically, criticism is good. But coming off as rude and offensive is not. And it's not just me being sensitive.
          Try working on how you word and say things.


I do have nice things to say to the few people who make a decent attempt at writing. But I say what I think needs to be said. I don't use coarse language, and I never say anything I don't mean. If people do not like honest constructive criticism, they should not show their work in public. You are far too young to understand that manners does not mean saying nice things that are simply not true. Lying is never good manners, and saying something nice about some of the  writing atrocity you see around here would be sinful. I don't like to be unkind. If I said something mean its because I really, really thought it. If you have something to say about my writing, thats fine. But calling me out for an honest opinion is not.