
An early Christmas present for my followers: New book of poetry going up! It is called "Agonies of an Ex-Poet" and is a separate entity from "Normal: That Funny Word" and "Lifeline". I hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays!


An early Christmas present for my followers: New book of poetry going up! It is called "Agonies of an Ex-Poet" and is a separate entity from "Normal: That Funny Word" and "Lifeline". I hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays!


Dearest fellow Wattpaders and people who put up with my so called poetry,
          I would like to inform all 11 of you that I'm not sure I can continue much further with my poetry. I am feeling a lack of inspiration and a painful discouragement. I will finish Lifeline and leave my Wattpad account up so you may still read or re-read the poems. I apologize for my abrupt dropping of this news. If you are interested in talking further, please message me privately. But for now, farewell.