
Has someone ever come on your page, and left a message that asks you to read there story? Me too! Lol. And yeah. This is one of those. BUT, you're actually gonna go read mine. You wanna know why??? I'll give you a perfectly good reason why. Because if you don't you'll always wonder, what if...? lol. Plus I think it's a really good story for my first time.
          Lys's Guide To Surviving The Dark Side
          Lyssa has never truly fit in anywhere. But when a man who calls himself a 'Seeker' shows up to take her to the mysterious Dark Academy, everything changes. She finds friends, drama, rivalry, and maybe even true love. Will being a new Night Slayer prove to be the best or worst thing to ever happen to her?
          So go check it out and if you like it vote, comment, facebook like, and tweet it! lol. PLEASE and thank you in advance. If you want me to read your work I gladly will!


          Sorry to bother you but can you please read my story? 
          Its called “I Hate You, I Hate You Not, I Love You, I. Wait, What!?!” 
          And of course its about vampires, because everyone loves vampire. LOL
          taraniamh xxxxx


I just wanted to say thanks for becoming a fan and reading my novel, Ashes to Embers. I've just got back from sending it to a literary agency so I'm feeling really grateful for all the help and encouragement, even if it doesn't feel like you've done anything, because you have  =]
          Good luck with your writing too


Hehe - first to post. 
          Hey, I read your story and left you a comment =]
          Anyway, I was hoping you could return the favour and read, vote, comment, fan - anything, it's all appreciated.
          If not see you around, and good luck with your writing.