
Holy cow! So I have been away from Wattpad for quite some time, and I had NO IDEA that "Inglourious Romance" is in the #2 ranking for RPF until now! I am both blown away and honored by this. "Paparazzi" is in the #92 spot. Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and commenting on both of these stories!


Holy cow! So I have been away from Wattpad for quite some time, and I had NO IDEA that "Inglourious Romance" is in the #2 ranking for RPF until now! I am both blown away and honored by this. "Paparazzi" is in the #92 spot. Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and commenting on both of these stories!


Hi, I love your story Sleeping with the Enemy on Will there be sequel?


@MajesticGemini My apologies for the late reply. I'm currently re-writing Sleeping with the Enemy and making some changes. The changes I've made so far are updated. I have some of the framework for a sequel, but I simply have not had time to write it. I imagine at some point there will be, but not right away. I'm too busy adulting at the moment lol But I'm so glad you enjoyed Sleeping with the Enemy. It means a lot <3


Hey, I really like your stories about christoph... will you continue with paparazzi? I like it..! 


@fycwtumblr @KlausCisneros Paparazzi has been UPDATED! 


@fycwtumblr Ah! That's so sweet! Man I really need to finish that.


@KlausCisneros  I'm sorry this is so long in answering. I am *hoping* to finish Paparazzi at some point, but right now I've lost the muse for it. If it gets finished, it won't be until this summer. Maybe.


Calling all followers: I just recently had a Pirates of the Caribbean story stolen from my account at The story is called Mirror, Mirror, but a user here on Wattpad rebranded the title as "Kagami Kagami" and my OC's name was replaced with an Asian name. If any of you follow the POTC stories, particularly ones with Norrington, many of these stories were directly STOLEN from myself and other authors on I have reported the theft to Wattpad and it was taken down. Please, if you come across this DO NOT HESITATE to notify the original authors. Put the summary into a Google search before reading and if it comes up as a account please MESSAGE the author. I would never have known if one of my followers on had not messaged me.


Good morning! Just dropping a message to let the followers know that Paparazzi will be on hiatus likely until this summer. I've had a hard time keeping a muse for it plus I'm working on an original novel and the second semester has begun. I'm hoping to get back to it this summer. In the meantime, I am also working on another Stoph fic that I've had more of a muse for and takes less time to edit since I don't have a lot of chapters I have to write from scratch. I'm not going to publish until I am finished and updates will be one week at a time. But I promise you will love it! 
          As always thank you for following me and happy reading!