{9/4/22} Sorry that I have not updated TLH as promised. Covid had unexpectedly hit the family, from who knows where so I was stuck home during my last week before term break - not that I‘m complaining. The last week of school scared me, waiting for it to end due to all the tests dumped on us due to our schedule changing many times. I feel mostly better now and should be back within the week. Again, it was unexpected, especially since we have been so careful since the pandemic. Lucky to have made it so far. I hope the wait hasn’t dampened your hopes. This delay is getting on my nerves, too, so don’t worry, lol. I mentioned before that I would not give up on this story, and I’ll stay true to those words. Life seems very busy lately, so I hope you potential readers can understand to an extent. No matter, thanks for hanging around anyways! Lots of Books + Writers Luck, Amani x

I'm so sorry to hear that, Amani! I hope you're doing well and I'm expecting all the good stories that you're going to post in the soon future!!