
Hello, just want to say I am here :D I would love feedback!


Today I published my poem, She the Abyss, in my book of poems. I admit when I wrote it I was in a really low point and I decided to share my thoughts I had at the moment:
          Sometimes you can just feel it tugging on your chest pulling you down. Literally pushing the air from your lungs, until it is hard to breath... whether it is panic or depression makes no differenceI wish. I were inclined to write more about the happy moments, but I would rather just LIVE those and write about the bad.


Hello, Chapter 13 has been added. 
          Today I am up to no good... trying to get all my ducks in a row. I am helping my husband in his preparations to retire from the military... 21 years of "fun". Gotta make the house look like a wrecking ball has not been through it.
          The rat... "Happy Meal" yes we have snakes why do you ask *giggle* has managed to chew a hole in the cover I put over her cage and now has a window to watch us out of.
          I also have a lot of other animals, 2 dogs, 2 bearded dragons, 3 snakes, and then there are the 2 sugar gliders that I am trying to re-home. Don't get me wrong, I love Zoie and Zelda but their cage is just to large for me to take care of.. that and I don't have the energy to play with them as much as I would like to.
          I have health issues... lots of em.
          I thought that you guys might like to get to know me better. I hope you are enjoying Endless War and some of the shorts and poems I have posted. Thanks for Following me! <3


I was completely blown away this evening! I have suddenly been followed by a lot of new people, I want you to know that I am only following those who have written works back. I hope to be able to read your works and give advice! I have followed even those who have their pages in different languages, however I will be unable to read those, as I only speak english. 
          So, thank you everyone who is now following me! I am posting the next chapter today, I hope you want to read it and enjoy it!