
Hey guys so I’ve said this before but I really mean it this time. I have been completely lacking in the books lately being lazy and so forth. My plans was to re write little bite Luna correctly and re write the sequel I had planned. It was written when I had just started and the plot is so horrible I wanted to switch it up a little but have been afraid to. So I will try to re write the sequel properly as well as the first book. I will get to this all really soon please forgive me and be patient I miss you guys!


I'm trying to find a book, I forgot the name of it. But it was mafiaprincess and olderbrothers trope. She was a twin. Her brothers name was Nathan and I think 5 oldeer brothers. She ends up with a guy named Zack Smith. He is also from the Mafia. She calls Zack pighead. He was in her school, they liked each other only to find out their grandfather's arranged their marriage when they were born


Hi, @Thegirlwhowrites_23! I just finished reading Little Bite Luna, and I’m absolutely in love with Anita’s fiery personality and her hilarious, dynamic relationship with her mate. The contrast between her “bite-sized” stature and her larger-than-life attitude had me grinning the entire time. It’s such a charming and fun story with a refreshing take on the werewolf romance genre!
          If you’re ever interested in sharing Little Bite Luna with a bigger audience, I’d be happy to help. Feel free to check out: I’d love to connect and help bring this feisty story to even more readers!


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