
Hi you guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting for a while. This couple of months has been going so fast for me. When I have vacation I will post more, I will also release an original book a whole different thing than I usually post.


@Amarinz it's okay you should always come first


what do you guys want an update for? choose a story and I will get more chapters for that story.


After next week I will have a lot of time so I will post more and a new story is coming!! I will post different, obsessed, and new one that is coming soon after next week! sorry that I didn't post a lot I had 10 tests in one week and next week I also have 10 tests, but after next week  I am Free! so I will write don't worry!


Good luck on your tests


hi you guys!! I am not gonna post anything soon as I have exams in two weeks, but after the exams, I will post a lot


hi, to everyone who reads my book. I am going to post more often and make another story, but without the avengers but still fun to read I hope!! 
          you dont have to read my new story when I am done, I am just saying you know....


ps; I am still going to post the story Avengers Soulmate until it is finished