Hello everyone, I may not be quite new however I just needed to change my outlook, a brand new slate whipped clean. Anyways I write fanficiton, that is what I do. I am currently trying to find a way to write x readers but sadly every time I do it hasn't worked out so for now I will stick to my roots. I love writing and in a way I feel like I would just melt into a story, or well linger in one for hours on end until I finish it. This account is my new beginning, a beginning that has some endings. Welcome my lovelies, and I hope you enjoy.
Also I use one character almost every time, sorry she has been my OC for the longest time, has developed as I have as well. Her name is Amaya, sometimes the last name changes but usually it will stay the same, Amaya Lunar.
Enjoy my loves and I hope you find yourself lost in dreams, feelings of mixed emotions and of course finding yourself in love.
Follow me if you love it, or want it to continue. Message me, I promise I wont bite. Hate it, well everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just please let me know, I love to know if my stories are actually being read instead of looked at or just run by. Thank you all for even taking the time to buzz through this. ♥