
@gangstagal Thank you! :)


Yes.. Indian.. :P You are one too aren't you... 
          Nah.. Its ok... a person talking a lot only reflects how eager your thoughts are to come out.. hence all those awesome books! :P
          You really thought my review was good? I hadn't felt so involved in any of the books I had read so far.. and I was really rattled by the blasts.. so I guess that made your story feel really close and personal... You should definitely keep writing.. :)


@TheSahazinator Aww! That is so sweet !! Thanks so much! I love the book cover!!! And yes... I did read it! I found it incredibly heart touching... Btw.. I think I had commented on it.. my profile name was dempire123 then I think.. :P 
          I went ahead and read your other works as well.. Suite Summer sounds really different... and well, I just absolutely love the way you enlighten a story with your dialogue baazi.. :P Really nice reading it! :) 
          Thanks so much again for the cover! :)