this message may be offensive
@whiskey_princess_97 is a whore & my wife. And if you mess with her, you mess with me. And I will have her back before any of these other hoes. ❤️ I literally tell her everything, and she knows me and can read me like a book. She's stood by my side for years and has put up with me. And it's the kind of friendship that you just tell each other things and are close. No, we are close, yes. We do tell each other things, yes. But the amount of inside jokes me have, we have nick names for people, we hate the same things, have the same ideas, talk about orgys with bands. And we say the same thing all the time. We are like two peas in a pod. Distance means so little when someone means so much. She has been here through many break ups, my mental breakdowns, my suicide attempt, everything. And she's had my back even when I wrong she still tried to prove the other people wrong. This is the kind of support and positivity I've always searched for in my life, and I'm so happy I found it in someone who is liek you. You get me, you get my personality. You understand my
Past, and why I have mental break downs, panic/anxiety attacks randomly. Or why I have tone alone sometimes, you understand my PTSD disorder, my depression. You understand everything. And I can't thank you enough T for being here for me, you are so amazing my slut whorey baggy daggy. Hhaha. Okay. Well too bad ur straight):