Hi guys!
I know, I know, I lied about putting more Fire and Ice up. Some crap came up involving a very drunk person and a very powerful firecracker. It was Independence Day in America yesterday (July 4th) and like most countries tend to believe Americans are stupid, and the fella that decided to jump on a popping firecracker fits that belief perfectly. The man may not be able to children and is in the hospital with serious burns. He will live, but he will be looking at adoption instead of "doing it" the natural way when it comes to giving his wife children. Anyways, I will be uploading more F&I most likely at some point in the next few days. I will also be writing a very extensive letter about my goals on Wattpad and another very special project I have in mind. I'm not that popular, I know, but I hope what reading crowd I do have stays with me. Thank y'all!