
Right, here's the deal. I know what I promised you guys, that I was going to update from last Wednesday. Problem is I had my driving test on Thursday (which I passed first time - Yay for me!), and I've been busy since.
          	I know I've said this before, but I WILL be updating sometime next week (probably not Tuesday though) so look out for those notifications. As I've said, I've completely re-worked 'Accidents Happen', it's renamed, re-written and the only same aspect of the entire novella from the original is that its still a Tom Daley book, I can promise you that.
          	It sounds as if I've a one-trick pony, but I promise that I will upload - in the mean time, if anyone wants a one-shot, PM me or comment on the one-shot book and then I'll get you one written...
          	One last thing... I'm six followers away from 100Please get your friends to follow me and whoever is the lucky 100th follower, I'll write a one-shot on whoever they like;
          	Amber :)


Right, here's the deal. I know what I promised you guys, that I was going to update from last Wednesday. Problem is I had my driving test on Thursday (which I passed first time - Yay for me!), and I've been busy since.
          I know I've said this before, but I WILL be updating sometime next week (probably not Tuesday though) so look out for those notifications. As I've said, I've completely re-worked 'Accidents Happen', it's renamed, re-written and the only same aspect of the entire novella from the original is that its still a Tom Daley book, I can promise you that.
          It sounds as if I've a one-trick pony, but I promise that I will upload - in the mean time, if anyone wants a one-shot, PM me or comment on the one-shot book and then I'll get you one written...
          One last thing... I'm six followers away from 100Please get your friends to follow me and whoever is the lucky 100th follower, I'll write a one-shot on whoever they like;
          Amber :)


Guys, thank you for being so patient with me with the lack of updates, etc. It's means a lot that no-one is hassling me for updates (I'm just hoping you haven't lost hope in me ever updating again!)
          As previously said, I have re-worked my Tom Daley story, and it will be as long as it is now, except the title, whole plot and characters have changed - so check it out when it's up!
          Now, my first 2 exams are tomorrow (sob sob), then I'm going revision crazy for next Wednesday then I'm all done, aside from my driving test on the Thursday (aahhh!) then I have two full weeks before my holiday!
          Once again, thanks for being patient, and I promise the updates will be frequent starting next week;
          Amber <3


Hi, my name's Amber, and I've been a bad person. 'Hi Amber!' I'm so terribly sorry that I haven't updated. I got the memo today that my last three A-level exams are four weeks away. And I know like nothing. 
          These are my priority right now, but I promise that the new and improved Tom Daley story, new title and everything, no more 'Accidents Happen' crap, and I hope you guys understand and accept my sincerest apologies.
          I *promise* (:/) that after my exams, I have two weeks for sitting on my arse before I go on holiday for two weeks (for my 18th birthday, so syked!), so be prepared for the new version of Thomas Daley...
          If anyone wants a/another one shot from me, inbox me or comment on a part of the story and I'll get it done, I'll give you that when I'm finished with my exams (3rd and 11th June, then June 12th is my driving test... no updates, sorry muchly!)
          Follow me on Twitter please @AmberMayMurs, but just tweet me that you're from here and I'll follow you back, because that's another thing I'm bad at, along with updating on here; it's not like I'm never online, I'm nearly always on this site, but never in the mood to update because it never works first time and it puts me of updating in the first place
          Once again, I'm ever so ever so ever so times a million sorry, but expect updates/changes around the 'teen dates of June'
          Post requests for updates for one-shots, keep them coming in and I'll do my best (please don't unfollow me/kill me/do both simultaneously <3