
Hi guys! I am so sorry about the lack of activity from my account. I have been in school, but this Thursday is my last day of the spring semester! Yay! So this summer you should be seeing more updates for the maniacs! Alright off to work on finals.


Hi guys! I am so sorry about the lack of activity from my account. I have been in school, but this Thursday is my last day of the spring semester! Yay! So this summer you should be seeing more updates for the maniacs! Alright off to work on finals.


hey guy's so i have chapter 5 for the manic's club almost written and chapter 6 is planed out. as soon as chapter 5 is finished and chapter 6 is done i will post them. but for now, i whould like at least 10 votes on the last chapter before i post chapter 5. can you guys do that for me? love you guys.