
Hey you. Yeah, the girl who stole Ambers account. I won't go into full detail about how I feel, but you made a mistake. I don't care how much you two hate each other. This was really not the right thing to do. How about you sit right there and think about what you did. Amber put a lot of hard work into those stories. And you decide just to delete it like it was throwing a piece of gum away. How would you feel if you felt happy about something you accomplished, that took you sooo long. Then someone like you just takes it and deletes everything. That would break my heart. If you really hate amber, then at least hold your anger for once. Oh, and please. Grow. Up. 


@lucky_cantalope  okay, well her stories, were copyright and stolen, from me. So, think about the hard work, that I put into my ideas, and have then stolen, written in poor words. It breaks my heart, t osee me ideas look so bad